Urban Array Opportunity Fund
As the digital generation enters the labor-force and their disposable income rises so too will their desire to invest in next generation asset classes. Increasingly we are finding that means that social impact returns are nearly as important as financial returns. Asset classes that can maximize for both will some of the most popular products in coming years. This must be held in consideration alongside the instantaneity that is demanded by a generation that has never been without instant access.
The Urban Array Opportunity Fund, a for-profit Limited Liability Partnership (“UAOF” or “The Fund”), is an affiliate of the Urban Array Foundation (UAF or “The Foundation”) that works to provide a vehicle for private investors to invest in efficient development in Opportunity Zones; with dual bottom line goals to support the impact investing activities of the Urban Array Foundation, while also protecting investor principle and reducing tax burden.
The Fund has four main goals:
- Be a catalyst for high growth businesses and asset development;
- Serve an essential function in developing centers of entrepreneurial growth within the greater Chicago area;
- Support the Social Impact Investing activities of The Foundation under no obligation to participate in every project undertaken;
- Provide measured returns for investors by growing its asset base at very low cost.

Website | Visit Link Here |
Address | 2201 S Halsted St, Chicago, Illinois US |
Category | Commercial Real Estate , Community Revitalization , Illinois , Workforce Housing |